Gecex aprova novas reduções de tarifas de importação

Gecex approves new import tariff reductions

Measure includes 15 cuts to avoid shortages and 13 permanent changes to the Mercosur Common External Tariff; Rates fall to zero and 2%, respectively.

The Executive Management Committee (Gecex) of the Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) of the Ministry of Economy approved this Wednesday (20/4) a set of requests to reduce import tariffs. The requests are to eliminate the tax on 15 items in order to avoid shortages in the country and others to permanently lower the rates on 13 products in the Mercosur Common External Tariff (TEC) to 2%. The measures will still be sent for consideration by the other members of the bloc.

In one of the votes, as recommended by the CAT, Gecex approved 13 requests for permanent changes to the TEC, lowering rates to 2% that are currently between 10% and 16%. The measure includes chemical products used by various industrial segments, as well as items for bicycles, electromagnets, garlic powder, aluminum plates, sheets and strips. These claims must still be analyzed by CT-1.

Source: Portal Govbr


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